Archive for January 2017

Run Forest, Run!

Running, eh? Before you ignore this entirely hear me out. Running doesn’t have to suck, honest. Like everything else, if you get off the couch and try to hammer out a half marathon, you’re going to suffer. Hell, if you’re off the couch and try to hammer out even a couple of kilometers, you’re going…

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For many of us, when we do something, we want to nail it. The drive towards perfection is a strong one, and we’re conditioned, through things like television and social media, to accept nothing less. So when we write, we write when we feel like we’ve got something really, really important to spill, when we…

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Just Words

I understand the significance of language, but I still overlook it’s subtleties. I’ll labor over word choice and structure (not grammar, at which I simply guess) to convey a meaning, but then, when it really counts, I’ll overlook the same effort in the message of another and screw something up. Sometimes I’m just oblivious, or…

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As Punk As

In a lot of ways this has just started, but in others it’s been going on a hell of a long time. There are aspects of my personality that put me at odds with a lot of things. I grew up being kind of a little shit, a mouthy know-it-all (I still know it all…)…

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It’s There

If there is one aspect of being me that sucks, it’s the unreliable nature of my strengths. When I am strong, I have incredible fortitude. And when I am able to focus, I’m afforded great insight. But if depression is one thing, it’s fickle. I can have long periods of productivity; weeks running or riding…

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The past few months have been a challenge for me. I don’t easily go through any of my days, but something in the last while has been creating friction between me and everything else. Something is unsettled more now than in better times, and it’s a sticky one. We see so much these days. The…

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