Posts Tagged ‘healing’

On Vulnerability

It was while standing on the roof of the trailer that it came to me, not a flash but a slow wave of understanding. A vulnerability that has been stewing for the last four months. The sun was shining bright but low in the sky, midday shadows dark and long across the snow trading space…

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Out back of our place is a little piece of trail that leads to some doubletrack. I don’t know what that doubletrack is or used to be, maybe an old mine road, or maybe the town put it in as some kind of service road. Back in the floods they used it after the fact…

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There are times when I forget my edge, that I’m jagged energy and full of friction. There are times I forget that my being drop kicks its way through time. There’s no downward dog here. I am stillness and pensive, but not passive. This is who I am, not a bad thing. At the top…

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And then another day

There isn’t much more to it than this, just 24 hours of input and things can go south pretty quick. Words, good or bad, as a trigger. There are as many faces to depression as there are people who suffer it, so what I’m about to write isn’t prescriptive by any means. You need to…

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A Part of You

I ran tonight for the first time in a long time. Not long, twenty minutes according to the tenants of my plan (this is 20 More Minutes after all) and I stuck to it coming in at just over 21 minutes. Slow, quiet and alone in the bush. A conditioning run that will hopefully become…

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Two Things

I’m coming to understand two things. One, I’m coming into something that I might not be able to handle. An awareness, a state of understanding, a something or other that might be beyond my skill set. I’ll never make a million bucks off of it like Eckart Tolle, but god willing it’ll give me some…

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Something Good

Today I’ll try to do things differently. I took yesterday as a pretty bad day. I slept poorly and had troubles getting myself out of bed. My first interactions with others were negative, a staff member complaining to me, “don’t take this personally”, but it was. An old friend posted his post-mortem letter to his…

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A Mildly Principled World, pt 1

I had a confusing conversation with an old, old friend tonight. I can understand his position, it’s obvious. But there are subtleties that I think are overlooked. To be flippant, our talk was about “rad-ness” and the current trend to be the “best person you were meant to be.” To be true, so much of…

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Find One if You Want

I’m pretty sure the growing public perception of me is that I’m going nuts (more nuts?), so I’m just going to throw this one out there without much of a filter. It’s probably a misguided idea. I despise commerce, always have. It bothers me to no end that someone who has the skills, knowledge or…

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The Old Dog, Again

The old dog panting at my feet. She’s uncomfortable. She always is. We think she can’t really feel her hind legs, and we think she has pain in her spine in the rear, her tail bits. She can’t tell us this of course, we’ve tried to become canine mind readers. She pants, and I reach…

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