Posts Tagged ‘sadness’

The Lady of Bark Lake

At the end of the road and the end of the driveway and then further into the bush and further along again along the trail that passed the cabins on the south side of the lake and then just beyond the ruins of the cabin around which so many ghost stories began, William and the…

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Disjointed, because that’s how I roll. I write these things knowing that people will turn away, but in the hope that some might not. I’ve sat in front of my computer a lot lately. This morning for ten minutes, and then another five, and later on another five. I’ve picked up my phone and opened…

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Speak and Listen

I get that I overstay my welcome on the internet. People want quick sound bites, things to instantly hate or adore. So I apologize ad infinitum for thinking, and also for simply blurting out what I’m thinking about without thinking critically about those thoughts. My fuel is emotion which isn’t always conducive to reason, and…

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Something Good

Today I’ll try to do things differently. I took yesterday as a pretty bad day. I slept poorly and had troubles getting myself out of bed. My first interactions with others were negative, a staff member complaining to me, “don’t take this personally”, but it was. An old friend posted his post-mortem letter to his…

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I missed the last full moon of the winter. The clouds covered the sky and hid that big, glowing orb so that the only light above us that night wreaked from the town, a spirit bouncing on the underbelly of the clouds laboring to get outside, and the moon above it all moving through the…

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The Shakes

Some days I live without framework, without structure, in a world where the laws of physics and matter have no hold. I see buildings melting into people on the street, music intertwined with the frantic and nervous tapping of my heel on the floor. My thinking isn’t there, my mind is weak, my heart washes…

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