20 More Minutes


This is really simple, but it isn't always easy.

The challenge is to give yourself 20 minutes out of your day to focus entirely on you. Not an excuse to go shopping or have coffee with a friend, but rather a time for dedicated effort to help yourself.

The key is to just start with 20 minutes and do something with purpose, with focus, and full of consciousness.

Sound like some hippy tripe? Of course it does, but it works...

"Where's the science to back this up?" Seriously? I don't have the patience for this. Try it or not, it's no skin off my back. Worst case scenario, you get off your ass and get away from it all for a few minutes.

If we can reclaim just 20 minutes, and use those minutes for something purposeful, we can start to retake power over our days, maybe over our emotions, and certainly over our purpose.

Writing Through Depression

Jun 29, 2019 | 3 Comments

You know what sucks? Depression, that’s what sucks. Each day, even in your brightest moments, there’s a gadfly buzzing around your head. Think about going through your life with every experience tempered just slightly of happiness. It’s an isolating task, and one that ensures you are alone in a crowd with the distinct awareness of…

More from “Everything Goes Away”

Jun 11, 2019 | 0 Comments

Don’t lie. You know exactly the heartache of your life. That primitive sadness you feel around the things you wanted to do but didn’t, or the things that to the core of your being you felt desperately needed to go one way, and they went the other. That horrible rendering of your heart when your…

The Gas Station, et al.

May 8, 2019 | 1 Comment

Everything goes away, everything goes away. I always have music in my head. Never a full song, but a couple of lines or two. Tonight while I’m sitting on my boulder behind the house that sits in front of the forest, I hear the refrain from a Radical Face song. I don’t remember the name,…