Posts Tagged ‘meditation’
Beginning Again
The more I stop to think about things, the more I realize that most of what I’ve figured out, I’ve known all along. I read once that the most important tool for a writer to use frequently is writing. That much seems obvious, right? But most of us that aren’t in the career of writing…
Read MoreBikes
Before I begin, you know this isn’t going to be about bike riding, right? Every bike ride is a good bike ride. Even on those rare occasions when I just get out the door and turn around twenty minutes later feeling like crud, at least I got out and gave it a shot and spent…
Read MoreHazards
Originally published on I’m sure everyone who participated in RMCC’s Rubber Mallet ride last night didn’t have as philosophical a ride as I did. This was the third or fourth time I’ve ridden with this group, and it was the third or fourth time I was bringing up the rear. As most of these…
Read MoreA Mildly Principled World, pt 1
I had a confusing conversation with an old, old friend tonight. I can understand his position, it’s obvious. But there are subtleties that I think are overlooked. To be flippant, our talk was about “rad-ness” and the current trend to be the “best person you were meant to be.” To be true, so much of…
Read MoreConnect the Dots
My normal M.O. isn’t to prattle on about spirituality, but I came across something last night that caught my attention. I’ve been thumbing through a book titled We’re All Doing Time, written in the 90’s I think by a guy trying to help prisoners find spirituality. His emphasis is mostly eastern meditative practice, but he…
Read More20 More Minutes, revisited
I said it wouldn’t be easy, didn’t I? Just 20 minutes a day. It’s so simple, but its been days since I’ve managed to make myself hive off the time. Dropping the practice is both symptom and cause, and it spirals downward until a certain, dark point where I just give up. But it’s dawned…
Read MoreRun Forest, Run!
Running, eh? Before you ignore this entirely hear me out. Running doesn’t have to suck, honest. Like everything else, if you get off the couch and try to hammer out a half marathon, you’re going to suffer. Hell, if you’re off the couch and try to hammer out even a couple of kilometers, you’re going…
Read MoreAs Punk As
In a lot of ways this has just started, but in others it’s been going on a hell of a long time. There are aspects of my personality that put me at odds with a lot of things. I grew up being kind of a little shit, a mouthy know-it-all (I still know it all…)…
Read MoreMisdirection
The past few months have been a challenge for me. I don’t easily go through any of my days, but something in the last while has been creating friction between me and everything else. Something is unsettled more now than in better times, and it’s a sticky one. We see so much these days. The…
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