20 More Minutes


This is really simple, but it isn't always easy.

The challenge is to give yourself 20 minutes out of your day to focus entirely on you. Not an excuse to go shopping or have coffee with a friend, but rather a time for dedicated effort to help yourself.

The key is to just start with 20 minutes and do something with purpose, with focus, and full of consciousness.

Sound like some hippy tripe? Of course it does, but it works...

"Where's the science to back this up?" Seriously? I don't have the patience for this. Try it or not, it's no skin off my back. Worst case scenario, you get off your ass and get away from it all for a few minutes.

If we can reclaim just 20 minutes, and use those minutes for something purposeful, we can start to retake power over our days, maybe over our emotions, and certainly over our purpose.

Sucked In

Feb 28, 2017 | 0 Comments

“Just snap out of it!” I woke up this morning on the verge of a bad day. I spent the night sleepless and woke groggy after hitting snooze a bunch of times. Raising the blinds and looking through frozen crystals in the sky it was obvious we’re in a deep freeze again. Not even the…

Billy in the Maron Valley, snippet

Feb 26, 2017 | 0 Comments

Melissa smiles and the boy relaxes and he smiles at her too. She puts her hand on the rear railing and swings herself out of the truck to land in the dirt underneath. A little wind whistles through the grasses nearby and Melissa looks toward it, wild oats bending with the breeze and the rigid…

20 More Minutes, revisited

Feb 15, 2017 | 0 Comments

I said it wouldn’t be easy, didn’t I? Just 20 minutes a day. It’s so simple, but its been days since I’ve managed to make myself hive off the time. Dropping the practice is both symptom and cause, and it spirals downward until a certain, dark point where I just give up. But it’s dawned…